DMA Card - Sammelthread

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Hello fellow germans,

I have come to respond to these "scam" claims and shed some light on the situation.

Below you can see when "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 came to us and made a ticket to purchase faceit FW... We advised him it was on hold and he even proposed to wait the lenght for the update of our firmware. (Image attached to the post)

This "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 continuously tried threatening us with a Bank chargeback and also put a chargeback in with PayPal, we have strict rules about refunds and in most cases I am leniant and will give them, but this user willingly made the agreement to wait the legnth until our FW was ready and even PROPOSED this himself....

The reason this "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 got banned was because he chargedback on PayPal which is completely forbidden on my server, if you do this you will get banned. Until the chargeback DMA Kingdom was going to uphold to the agreement and fulfill "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 order, but since he is trying to chargeback through bank and paypal we will no longer deal with him.


Thanks for your time:)
Nix neues für diesen drecks provider die haben schon so viel scheiße abgezogen von deren firmwares mal ganz abgesehen, unlucky
Hello fellow germans,

I have come to respond to these "scam" claims and shed some light on the situation.

Below you can see when "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 came to us and made a ticket to purchase faceit FW... We advised him it was on hold and he even proposed to wait the lenght for the update of our firmware. (Image attached to the post)

This "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 continuously tried threatening us with a Bank chargeback and also put a chargeback in with PayPal, we have strict rules about refunds and in most cases I am leniant and will give them, but this user willingly made the agreement to wait the legnth until our FW was ready and even PROPOSED this himself....

The reason this "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 got banned was because he chargedback on PayPal which is completely forbidden on my server, if you do this you will get banned. Until the chargeback DMA Kingdom was going to uphold to the agreement and fulfill "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 order, but since he is trying to chargeback through bank and paypal we will no longer deal with him.


Thanks for your time

you guys told him to wait 3-4 weeks for testing etc he waited almost 2 months and nothing happened
also whats going on with his site? since he got banned his website received more than milions of requests

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you guys told him to wait 3-4 weeks for testing etc he waited almost 2 months and nothing happened
No we didn't, we never provided him a timeframe. I told him that testing for faceit can take up to 2-3 weeks at a time due to faceit delay banning, it's not just a quick process.

I am willing to show the whole ticket transcript, he is straight up lying trying to make us look bad + trying to chargeback via bank + paypal...
Hello fellow germans,

I have come to respond to these "scam" claims and shed some light on the situation.

Below you can see when "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 came to us and made a ticket to purchase faceit FW... We advised him it was on hold and he even proposed to wait the lenght for the update of our firmware. (Image attached to the post)

This "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 continuously tried threatening us with a Bank chargeback and also put a chargeback in with PayPal, we have strict rules about refunds and in most cases I am leniant and will give them, but this user willingly made the agreement to wait the legnth until our FW was ready and even PROPOSED this himself....

The reason this "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 got banned was because he chargedback on PayPal which is completely forbidden on my server, if you do this you will get banned. Until the chargeback DMA Kingdom was going to uphold to the agreement and fulfill "Kway" user ID: 1128123589045010532 order, but since he is trying to chargeback through bank and paypal we will no longer deal with him.


Thanks for your time:)
Damn did you really register just to answer this? Lets do the same! Mate, 60 days with no updates should be a crime. Just take your L you and your exchanger got 1'd. I'll obviously provide proofs to the japanese dudes you resell from about this.

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No we didn't, we never provided him a timeframe. I told him that testing for faceit can take up to 2-3 weeks at a time due to faceit delay banning, it's not just a quick process.

I am willing to show the whole ticket transcript, he is straight up lying trying to make us look bad + trying to chargeback via bank + paypal...
Oh what a fucking bot you just confirmed you delayed 5 weeks more than you should and you not even the developer 🤣

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No we didn't, we never provided him a timeframe. I told him that testing for faceit can take up to 2-3 weeks at a time due to faceit delay banning, it's not just a quick process.

I am willing to show the whole ticket transcript, he is straight up lying trying to make us look bad + trying to chargeback via bank + paypal...
Also i'm not trying to charge back, i already did
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Damn did you really register just to answer this? Lets do the same! Mate, 60 days with no updates should be a crime. Just take your L you and your exchanger got 1'd. I'll obviously provide proofs to the japanese dudes you resell from about this.

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Oh what a fucking bot you just confirmed you delayed 5 weeks more than you should and you not even the developer 🤣

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Also i'm not trying to charge back, i already did you dumbfuck
I have never claimed to be the developer of any of our FW. Never once have I claimed this, I have always referred as "my developer" also we don't even resell from japanese people so go ahead :unsure:
I have never claimed to be the developer of any of our FW. Never once have I claimed this, I have always referred as "my developer" also we don't even resell from japanese people so go ahead :unsure:
I mean they say you buy off them so stop lying, you're getting exposed
I mean they say you buy off them so stop lying, you're getting exposed
So scared dude, we are being exposed!! Oh nooo.... it's over...
We don't even resell from Japanese people, we changed developers over 3-4 months ago.

If you didn't keep threatening me and trying to scare me with a "bank chargeback" maybe you would have gotten a refund, but doing what you done caught you a ban and no product.
So scared dude, we are being exposed!! Oh nooo.... it's over...
We don't even resell from Japanese people, we changed developers over 3-4 months ago.

If you didn't keep threatening me and trying to scare me with a "bank chargeback" maybe you would have gotten a refund, but doing what you done caught you a ban and no product.
this message alone shows what kind of person you are. You've actually already proved it yourself by being so unprofessional.
If you didn't keep threatening me and trying to scare me...
‘maybe’ you think you're in a position of power because of that? in germany we say du hurensohn
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KMBox Net erkennt meine Schwanz EC1 nicht, haut mal Mausempfehlungen raus die mit KMBox funktionieren (hab jetzt von der Freundin die G903 geklaut, falls ich nicht antworte hat sie mich erschlagen, die geht einwandfrei. Liegt also nicht an der Box).
Oder anders gefragt: Hat jemand eine Razer Viper 8K in Kombination mit der KMBox (Net) im Einsatz?
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KMBox Net erkennt meine Schwanz EC1 nicht, haut mal Mausempfehlungen raus die mit KMBox funktionieren (hab jetzt von der Freundin die G903 geklaut, falls ich nicht antworte hat sie mich erschlagen).
Oder anders gefragt: Hat jemand eine Razer Viper 8K in Kombination mit der KMBox (Net) im Einsatz?
Die net hat allgemein Probleme mit zowie. Fk1 & Fk2 gehen auch bei vielen nicht. Einfach auf kmbox scheißen und arduino nutzen :)
Wie kompliziert ist das Arduino Zeug im Vergleich? Und worauf sollte man das generell so achten?
Wie kompliziert ist das Arduino Zeug im Vergleich? Und worauf sollte man das generell so achten?
schau dir mal neoware's arduino firmware an, da gibts eine feature, shopping und compatibility-liste

die größten dma provider haben mittlerweile support dafür und man kann relativ viel an descriptors anpassen

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Sprich die Sachen von der Liste kaufen, Firmware kaufen und flashen, Daten ändern/anpassen und dann mit der eingesteckten Hardware danach genauso wie mit ner kmbox zocken?

Ist das sicherer weils einfach was anderes ist oder weil man (zumindest laut dem neoware Discord) entsprechend mehr Daten faken kann?
Sprich die Sachen von der Liste kaufen, Firmware kaufen und flashen, Daten ändern/anpassen und dann mit der eingesteckten Hardware danach genauso wie mit ner kmbox zocken?

Ist das sicherer weils einfach was anderes ist oder weil man (zumindest laut dem neoware Discord) entsprechend mehr Daten faken kann?
Die Probleme der Kmbox sind keine Probleme der hw sonder der firmware auf der kmbox. Es ist halt super lächerlich, dass du nur pid/vid changen kannst. Alle discriptoren aber nicht. Für die net gibt es tools, in denen Felder sind zum setzen dieser Werte -aber hinter den Feldern ist keine Funktion. Vielleicht soll das ja in Zukunft mal kommen. Für die b pro kannst du die bin in einem hex editor öffnen und ein paar Sachen selber ändern. Musst aber alles selber rausfinden...

Die Arduino Sache von NW wird konstant geupdated. Kommen fast tägliche neue Werte hinzu die du an deine echte Maus anpassen kannst. Funktioniert mit derzeitigen Stand für valo und faceit.
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Eigentlich alle DMA Cheats sind für Geschwindigkeiten zwischen 150-200 Mb/s optimiert. Bei mir mit 200 fühle ich fast keinen unterschied zu einem external mehr. zDMA oder auch gBox haben deutlich höhere Geschwindigkeiten. Die wirst du aber nicht spüren, weil die Cheats und deren Fokus auf 150-200 das Bottleneck sind.
Mach mal einen Speedtest wenn es bei dir wieder laggt. Kann sehr viele Gründe dafür geben. Bei manchen Laptops ist eingestellt, dass der USB-Slot nach einer Zeit in Powersaving-Modus geht zB. hast du nen ordentlichen 2nd PC?
Ich nutze ja den PO cheat und mir wird im loader ca 50mb/s angezeigt . Muss da 150-200 stehen ?

Bei Revl hat es wohl intern gekracht. Laut deren Ankündigung im Discord hat es Versprechungen gegeben, die nicht eingehalten wurden, und Zahlungen wurden nicht aufgeteilt. Inwiefern die Firmware bei denen auch in irgendeiner Art und Weise betroffen ist, kann ich nicht sagen und konnte ich bisher auch nicht herauslesen. Vielleicht hat da jemand mehr Infos zu.

Gibt es jetzt, da Revl wohl erstmal wegfällt, noch andere Alternativen außer iTha für EAC/BE?
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Bei Revl hat es wohl intern gekracht. Laut deren Ankündigung im Discord hat es Versprechungen gegeben, die nicht eingehalten wurden, und Zahlungen wurden nicht aufgeteilt. Inwiefern die Firmware bei denen auch in irgendeiner Art und Weise betroffen ist, kann ich nicht sagen und konnte ich bisher auch nicht herauslesen. Vielleicht hat da jemand mehr Infos zu.

Gibt es jetzt, da Revl wohl erstmal wegfällt, noch andere Alternativen außer iTha für EAC/BE?
Silverr is der eigentliche Typ dahinter, der macht ja auch dieses Anfänger-Guide für FW hier. Erst haben die alles for free gemacht aber wie immer schmeckt Geld halt. Irgendwann haben die dann gesagt "lass auch fw verkaufen" und durch den Server von Silverr, auf welchem schon paar Leute drauf waren, hatte man auch direkt ne gute Userbase. Silverr ist das irgendwann alles zu viel geworden und er hat den Verkauf in die Hände von Speed und zelz gelegt. Speed hatte damals die Idee das ganze zu automatisieren und das über Discord Bots laufen zu lassen. Jetzt hat es halt intern gekracht und die sind mad und haben sich getrennt. Was die Wahrheit ist werden nur die 3 wissen:

Statement Speed:

speedToday at 07:49​

Hey guys, I assume you have heard of the news.There’s not much explaining to be done.long story short I got kicked out of the Revl projectwith no notice. (I was banned this morning when I woke up) for the reason of not paying silver when was offline because he brought members to the server. but I did pay him by all card payments go to him. Same goes to zelz and all the staff. zelz was paid well over 200$ last month when he was just a staff in the server. and when i told him that he’s been doing really good he will be a co owner of revl. For crumpette I was paying him regularly too he can confirm. redolant was going to be paid at the end of the month because he’s been really helpful with customers who need help flashing.To the accusation that the firmware was pooled it is not true. its impossible because you either bought a donor from us or you provided one and we cloned it. no questions asked. all your firmware will be undetected and continue to be. In my honest opinion the way silver and zelz acted were not professional at all. I built revl up from 0 members to what it is today is just unacceptable I pulled you guys to this server to show my message. It's also posted on the sitefeel free to unlink it in authorizations I did not exit scam / just leave. I was banned and zelz took over the serverAll the hardwork we put in providing quality firmware at a very cheap price is now goneFeel free to dm me for clarification (I will always be online)If you still need your firmware delivered after I was banned from the server dm me
  • Best regards Speed
  1. speedToday at 08:27​

    If im going to rebuild the old revl. All prices will be cut in half. Bot generation time will be 5-10 mins. Auto loading flasher will be on @hereEac/Be 1:1 - 25$Donor Device - 5$Ace Fw - ill release price soon (edited)

Statement Zelz

  1. zelz
    Yesterday at 20:07​

    @everyone I would like to inform you all, speed will no longer be here. He has taken advantage of what was given to him by Silver (the sole owner and creator of this community). Payments where supposed to be split, they werent. Promises were made to myself and other staff. They were broken. Don’t get me wrong, speed did a good job at building this server, and working with customers. He is a smart guy but IMO he crossed a line.. Enough for me to have to take over.Those of you that are waiting on firmware, please be patient while i get everything situated. I may develop firmware, but i know very little about discord bots. So just work with me. (edited)

Today at 05:29​

By the way, all EAC/BE firmware that was purchased and built by anyone from @Staff , including speed, is safe to use. Nobody here should be worried about that. Speed and I use the same methods of development. @here okay last ping I promise..

Statement Silverr

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