scam hukz

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hukz hukz J jacketqq

We discussed with issue internally and decided, that hukz has fulfilled the deal considering that a basically similar replacement has been sent out. I know that this might not be the exact account that was talked about but even the mask was the same - so we think this is fine.

hukz hukz I don't appreciate the long gap in communications and will consider this for future cases. Please make sure to handle your customers better when talking about such a high buying price.

J jacketqq If you're found to chargeback the payment via the bank, your behaviour would be eligible for a ripper thread and might result in a ban. Even if you claim to not have used the account, it's massively devalued to hukz since the entire "Unused" thing might be impacted by your handling of the account - especially considering you have the OE & First Key regardless of any password changes.

I will close this thread here, if there's anything you want to add or say, feel free to DM any of the staff members, preferably me.
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